Biggest Bolos news: By the end of this year, "we" will be referring to three of us - I'm pregnant! The primary reason behind my lack of blogging in recent months has been exhaustion and illness related to this little miracle, and since I can use that as an excuse, I will! I am now 16 weeks along and am not only starting to feel better, but am starting to show a bit too which is just delightful. My original due date was November 28, but they've bumped it back to December 2 now. We had our first ultrasound at 12 weeks and it was an incredible experience. The baby was moving so much, doing somersaults and stretches the entire time, and I was absolutely amazed at how full of life this baby is already. Here's the first snapshot of our little one:
Denver bound: We leave in less than one week for our two week visit home! There are no words to express how excited I am about this - I simply can't wait to be back in the place that is still very much my "home." Tony will be heading to NY for a few days to see his family while I'm in Denver on Auntie Duty. : ) We are looking forward most of all to seeing family and friends, but are also desperate for some Colorado sunshine, heat and summertime activities - as well as a lot of good, flavorful food!
Heat Wave 2009: Two weeks ago we had what the Scots are referring to as a "heat wave" - several days of sunshine and mid-70 degree weather. I put on my flip-flops for the first time since we arrived on Sept. 12 and Tony even broke out his shorts. We spent every minute outside that we could and it was truly blissful. The sun is most definitely therapeutic. : )
Visitors! Quite different from our visitor roster in Peru, we've not had many visitors since we've been in Scotland. But in May we welcomed my brother, two cousins, aunt and uncle for a quick 36 hour visit to Edinburgh. They were traveling up in Sweden and were able to find a cheap flight to come see us over the weekend. It was absolutely wonderful to be with them, and having Mike stay in our living room was a treat. We stayed up late both nights because I could hardly justify sleeping when my brother was right here! He also came bearing gifts: Peanut Butter M&M's, Reese's Pieces, Twizzler's and other yummies that hit the spot exactly. He also brought me a Mother's Day card, which meant the world to me coming from my younger brother. : )
At the end of May we had one of Tony's good friends from high school come to stay for two weeks. Brian just finished his two year commitment with the Peace Corps in Ukraine and came over for a visit and to get some R&R. I'm not sure how much R&R actually happened, but we certainly managed to have a fun visit together. : )
So those are the basics from the Bolos household. Pictures will be coming soon, and with any luck the 2nd trimester will bring with it many more regular posts here on our blog.
Happy summer!!