On Friday morning we stood outside the orphanage doors, waving goodbye to Percy and his family as they drove away. Percy's little hand was sticking up above the seat he was strapped into, waving and waving as they pulled out. The moment of goodbye had come, but because of the time we were able to spend getting to know his new family, it was easier than I had pictured it to be, thankfully.
His parents arrived for the first visit on Wednesday afternoon after traveling through the night from Italy to Lima, and then straight to Arequipa. His parents arrived with their son, Carlos, and two representatives from the adoption agency and the Peruvian government. The moment of uniting Percy with his new family was truly one of the most amazing experiences in my life. Percy's parents had been waiting for a child from Peru for over 3 years, so their hearts were just longing to know this little boy that was finally theirs! Percy walked into the office and greeted his family - "Buenas tardes, Papa. Buenas tardes, Mama. Buenas tardes, hermano." (Good afternoon daddy, mommy and brother!) His new mommy swept him up into her arms, tears flowing freely as she held this boy she'd been dreaming of for the past few years. I felt so privileged to be sitting there, watching this union between our sweet little Percy and these strangers who suddenly felt like dear friends for the abundant love we could see in them.
After their initial meeting, we let Percy lead the way in taking them around the home and showing them his bedroom, kitchen and living area. He was proud as could be to have his parents by his side. He would occasionally get distracted in times of play with his friends, then suddenly look up and see his parents watching him, run over and wrap himself around his dad's legs, saying, "Poppi, poppi!" It was the sweetest thing to watch.
While the nature of our work has given us a great deal of insight into the unique needs of orphaned and abandoned children, this adoption experience has revealed to me just how deeply the desire to be part of family runs within these kids. That desire, placed by God and part of His plan for humankind before sin entered the world, does not dissipate no matter how many years go by. We've had heartbreaking conversations with other kids at the home, older and younger, learning of their dreams and wishes to have a family come and get them as well. Because of the governmental regulations, very few of the kids in our home have a chance of being adopted so it's been a hard issue to address. We come back to God's promise to be a father to the fatherless, as well as the calling of God's people to care for the orphans and widows. We as Christians are the means God has provided for caring for these little ones who will never know what it is to be loved by parents. Thank you for your prayers and support as we seek to provide that love to these kids at New Hope.
1 comment:
I'm both happy and sad! Delighted for Percy, but sad for the other children longing for families of their own. Thank you for sharing your insight and emotional experience with us. I was so touched by Percy's immediate warmth to his new parents. We will be praying for all of the other children at New Hope, especially at this sensitive time. Can we adopt them all?!
SEE you soon!
Andrea (& AJ)
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