Trusting that late really is better than never, I'm back after an unreasonably LONG hiatus from posting on our blog. For me, writing a blog entry is one of those things that the longer you put it off, the harder it seems to sit down and do it. Why? No idea. But here we are in May and I'm just now writing. I'll be amazed if anyone is actually still reading this blog after the prolonged silence!
The initial break in posting was due to a wonderful 10 day trip home to Denver that I was able to take at the end of March. The beauty of working in the UK is the standard 6 weeks annual paid vacation that most people get from their employer. With the fiscal year ending in March, I had a portion of "holiday time" to take before the 31st, which happened to overlap perfectly with my cousin's wedding in Denver, which miraculously aligned with a wonderful sale on airfare between Edinburgh and Denver. It was meant to be, so I went! Poor Tony stayed here to finish his spring semester papers which were due the day after I returned, but I rewarded his faithful scholarship with lots of treats and goodies from home. : )
Pictures really do say much more than I could about the trip home, so here is a smattering of favorites from my trip home (highlighting my niece Nora because she's just so stinkin' cute!):
The Olson Girls at Blake & Emily's wedding!
Cousins lunch @ Old Chicago's for Julia's birthday!
An afternoon at Wash Park with the family:
Baking Day @ my parents - caramel rolls and tea ring, so yummy!
Got in on my brother Jon's 30th birthday party!!
My brother Mike - miss him so much!
This photo highlights one of the primary motivations for my trip home: seeing my sister pregnant! I just love that little belly!
Birthday dinner @ Hodges
The birthday boy and his girls!
A morning with treasured friends Dana & Olga before the snowstorm hit!
Jon made wonderful calzones for dinner while we were snowed in on his b-day - so yummy!
Nora playing with Uncle Rick, whom she adores!
Nora and Grandpa playing in her cardboard house
Goodbye picture the night before I left
I had a wonderful time with my family and got to visit with a couple of dear friends which was a treat. Now we're just 7 weeks from our trip to Denver in June to meet Nora's little sibling when he or she arrives! Thankfully Tony will be with me for that trip because it's just hard to fully enjoy anything without him there with me. My cousin Chris got engaged the day I flew back to Scotland and they're planning an August wedding...who knows, maybe I'll get lucky and get to go 5 for 5 on weddings held while I'm living out of the country!!
1 comment:
For me, writing a blog entry is one of those things that the longer you put it off, the harder it seems to sit down and do it.For me, too. And I have no idea why. But thanks to google reader, it doesn't matter how long a hiatus you take, your next post just pops up *bing* ready to read. :)
I'm glad God blessed you with great timing for your trip. He is good!
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