November 5 is Guy Fawkes Night, or Bonfire Night, in the UK. Anyone out there ever heard of this before? I certainly hadn't until we moved to Edinburgh, but with fireworks going off outside tonight and the smell of bonfire that filled the air earlier this evening I suppose I am now not only aware of, but somewhat experienced in the British tradition.
Although we were living here at this time last year, I didn't actually learn about this tradition until this year. Why? Because last year I was holed up in our flat desperately looking for jobs and manically filling out applications with little to no contact with the outside world. Oh, there are no words to express my gratitude for being out of that situation!
Guy Fawkes Night is the annual celebration of the day back in 1605 when Fawkes and a group of conspirators were discovered and stopped in their attempt to kill King James 1 and most of the protestant aristocracy by blowing up the House of Parliament. The plan was uncovered, Fawkes was arrested, and he and his conspirators were subsequently tried and hung.
The Brits now commemorate that fateful day every 5th of November by burning effigies of Guy Fawkes, setting off fireworks and lighting bonfires. It's quite the celebration going on tonight!
Happy Guy Fawkes Day!
i'm all for any reason to celebrate. but burning scarecrow Guys?! creepy!
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