Saturday, August 4, 2007

Road Trip!

After completing my last retreat with Women of the Harvest, I flew home to spend one day in Denver preparing for our Denver to New York road trip. We were headed to New York to visit Tony's family - our first visit back as a married couple.

We made our first stop in Aurora, Nebraska to visit my grandparents one last time before we leave. We squeezed a lot of fun, food, and visiting into the 15 hours we had with them! Tony got to tour the corn fields with Grandpa Gus while the ladies stayed behind to talk and look at pictures of Nora, their new great-granddaughter.

Next it was off to Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and finally NEW YORK!! Tony was strict about our 5:00am departures every morning - a preview of family road trips in the years to come, I'm sure. : ) We were able to stop at Niagara Falls as we passed through Buffalo - it was beautiful! (Here we are at the falls - notice my humidity-frizzed hair!) The main theme of our NY trip was definitely pizza!! We had pizza every day we were there - even for breakfast one morning. And this is apparently normal for upstate-New Yorkers.

We were able to spend an afternoon with Tony's Uncle Pete and Aunt Sandra at their home in
Tony has wonderful memories of visiting Uncle Pete at his cabin when he was younger, so it was fun for me to get to spend time there with him.
Remsen, NY. They have a beautiful lake-front cabin there, set in the most serene environment.

Tony made an attempt at water skiing for the first time in his life - a brave soul! He got up on his second try and even went outside the wake before taking a hard crash into the water. He tried it again later but has
determined that he prefers snow skiing to water skiing, hands down.

Here's Tony as he was cruising out of the wake!!

The night before we left, we handed the keys to Tony's Camry over to his younger brother, Josiah. (We're trying not to take it personally that once we arrived with the car, Josiah's first question to us was, "So, when are you guys leaving?") Tony was blessed to be given that car when he moved to Denver and it was fun to pass it on to Josiah as we are heading to Peru.

We had a great time in NY and will cherish the time we had with grandparents, aunts and uncles, parents and siblings during our trip. Thanks Bolos Family!!

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