Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Brayan goes to Cuzco

You may remember reading about Brayan, a young boy that came to us in December after leaving his abusive home to travel with the circus for several years, then serve as a domestic slave before escaping to the police station and eventually being placed at New Hope. He adapted very well to his new home and made friends with all of the boys in his room. It became clear that he was accustomed to carrying a lot of responsibility - he was always looking for special projects and ways to help out. He would carry my bags to the office each morning, wash the car, collect trash throughout the home, organize bags of supplies - anything to have something to do.

After Brayan arrived at New Hope, the judge continued to work on his case. We received word upon arriving back in Arequipa after Christmas that Brayan would have to return to Cuzco, his home city, in order to be placed in a permanent home. The judge was working to locate Brayan's father in order to return him there, despite the fact that his father was abusive and had turned his child out to join the circus. Because the problem of abandoned children is so great in Peru, if any parental figure can be located, lost children are most often placed with them without consideration of what is in the best interest of the child. After several additional weeks of processing, the judge called to say that Brayan would be leaving soon.

Last Thursday Brayan had to leave for Cuzco. He was placed in another children's home there where he will stay until his father can be located. Before he left, in typical Brayan fashion, he approached us with a plan he had put together. He would return to Cuzco, search for his parents, explain once again that he understands he's not wanted and ask to return to Arequipa to live at New Hope. As long as his father approves, we are authorized to take in special cases to offer children better education, etc. He wants to explain this to his father and then travel back to stay at New Hope.

Brayan found something at New Hope - it was a taste of love, a small demonstration of the love that God has for him. It made a significant impact on him and he will now do anything to come back. Thursday afternoon he left to travel with the judge to Cuzco with the judge. He came to our office, backpack full of clothes, but explaining that he'd left things in his closet because he will be back soon. He sobbed and begged not to go. He cried and cried, hugged us tightly and said goodbye. We gave him money to call us and keep us informed as the judges proceeded with his case. He called several times the next day, crying and scared. As we expected, he's been placed in another children's home as they search for his relatives.

My heart has been overwhelmed with grief over this little boy. After 12 difficult years, he finally came to a place he wanted to call home - a loving and safe place. He's now been ripped away and placed back into a dangerous world. Last night I cried my way through a church meeting where we talked about our duty as Christians to restore justice and demonstrate love to the ones who have suffered as a result of sin in this world. Please join us in praying for Brayan's safety and for his return to New Hope as soon as possible.

Brayan at Christmas - his first picture in 4 years


Anonymous said...

I am absolutely beside myself. I want to know anyway we can get him back there. In my typical fashion I am immediately wanting to know how we can fix it verses trying to make meaning out of it. It seems so useless to just say well this is how God wants, but I feel compelled to find a way to fix it. I had no idea that my interactions with him would move me so deeply now. I guess I expect things to be the same as when I was there. For them to change so rapidly is hard for me to understand. I can just think of him wearing his dress shoes the whole time. I was so glad that he was able to get the cleats that he could wear all the time. He seemed so proud to have a usable pair of shoes. What I wouldn't do to make sure he never goes back to his father.

Liberti4peru said...

My heart is broken, my first thought also was, what can we do to change this for Brayan? and it is frustrating because I don't know what to do. I will pray and I will get others to pray for Brayan's return to New Hope

Unknown said...

We are all praying for Brayan. Seeing that picture of him with the Christmas tree reminds me how deeply we all want to be loved and to belong. Brayan has found that at New Hope (as did Team Liberti), and we all pray for his safe return home to his real family there.