Wednesday, November 18, 2009


As of 3:30pm today, I am officially on maternity leave. I feel a sense of relief on some level, but I still don't think the reality of what is coming next has really sunk in yet. Despite all the baby stuff that is now set up throughout our flat, it's just hard to believe that this active little baby in my belly is actually going to be joining us as an autonomous human being in the coming weeks. I keep wondering how I will feel when labor begins - part of me thinks I might burst into tears over the sheer velocity with which our life will change in the proceeding days. I'm beyond excited to finally meet this little one and to transition into this new phase of life, but I have to admit that the rate at which everything will happen is a bit intimidating to me!

I'm sitting on the couch this evening feeling overwhelmed by the generosity of the people in our lives. There is a big box full of pampering items for momma and essentials for the baby sitting on the coffee table, so thoughtfully put together by my coworkers as a send-off gift. A changing table from one of the members of our Board of Directors at work is to the right, stocked with baby gifts from the shower my mom and sister threw back in Denver this summer. Our stroller, which I am in love with, is next to it and will always be a reminder of my parents amazing generosity and thoughtfulness. I have bags of clothes passed along from a dear friend here in town, along with books and resources from my sister that have been my companions of the last 9 months. We have a crib, baby bath, monitor and Moses basket all given to us by coworkers. I'm just amazed at the provision of all these things by the generous people around us. God has supplied for all our needs, and we feel so loved and cared for as we're walking ahead into unknown territory. It really is humbling to just look around and see these many reminders of the generosity in this world, as it's easy to lose sight of it with the many tragic news stories and reports of suffering in this world.

Looking at the next week, I'm hoping to do a few more posts with pictures from recent events and perhaps a pic of my massive belly in celebration of maternity leave. I am so excited to have some free time on my hands - oh, I just can't wait to soak it up tomorrow!


Janelle said...

I thought of you this week and wondered how everything was going. Soak up this time and treasure it. It is such a sweet time of happy anticipation- and that sweet baby won't dissappoint you.

Jon and Lindsey Hodges said...

I am finding I am more impatient for your baby to be born than I even was for mine to come!!! Come on baby - we must meet you soon!!! Having your first baby is so unique - it is so wonderful to be able to focus all your time and attention on that one little person. :)