Sunday, July 20, 2008

So little time...

Each day as we climb into bed I have been taking a mental inventory of the significant things have happened that day, trying to lock them away in my memory because there seems to be so little time to blog, journal or write these days. I have so much I want to share here on the blog, but our recent pace of life has kept that from happening. Tony's parents and one of his younger brothers arrived in Arequipa last Thursday and the 10 days since then have been full to say the least. We've also been in the midst of many changes and mixed emotions and I can tell you that part of me has been putting off posting anything here because sitting and writing rightfully pauses the whirlwind around me and lets my emotions surface, emotions that are currently being held just below the surface throughout the day (with occasional bursts of tears breaking through!). But I do promise to share a bit more in these coming weeks.

A few highlights for me this week have been: planning the Quinciniera (15th birthday party - a BIG deal in Latin America) for 3 of our girls in the home, celebrating the start of 2 weeks vacation from school with the kids, hosting my cousin Jenn and her boyfriend Fernando for a couple of days here, reflecting on the last year with Tony's parents while they've been here, and truly enjoying the moments we've had to play with the kids. A lot of special moments have come and gone and I will write more and share some pictures later this week.

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